Friday, April 6, 2018

Enhancing the Consumer Shopping Experience, by Phil Hotarek (Lutz Bath & Kitchen), an Education Committee Member

The silver lining to evolving technology and online shopping is the enhancement of the consumer shopping experience.  It has forced change, creativity, and innovation in how we can create a stronger connection with our market.  Technology has given more control to the consumer with instant accessibility to information, price comparison and product knowledge.  Manufacturers and showrooms are now faced with the challenge of staying ahead of a rapidly evolving market or going to hell in a handbasket.  Let us go beyond stating the obvious - that we are battling Amazon with exceptional service - and delve into how we as innovators can enhance the consumer shopping experience for decorative plumbing and hardware.

Digital Merging of Online and Offline Shopping

Chances are that anyone walking into a showroom is already well researched in the categories of accessible showrooms and products - glorified Google and Youtube experts.  If that is indeed the case, then why would anyone purchase decorative plumbing and hardware products from a showroom anymore?  A one word answer: CONFIDENCE.  Decorative plumbing and hardware is among those categories that consumers are least confident about and purchasing on their own.  They seek expert knowledge and information through showrooms and from there it is our job to gain their trust by coordinating the entire project.  Integrating technology into your showroom experience creates a seamless transition from internet product browsing to the showroom experience.  Tesla has achieved this by providing the technology for customers to build their own car with custom features on monitors right in their showrooms.  A plumbing showroom can achieve a similar experience by improving visualization in a client presentation.  This can be done by using advanced architectural software or even something as basic as a PowerPoint to cast a client's project on a large monitor or tablet.  If you want to take it a step further, the presentation can be brought to the client on the job site or for that matter, anywhere, simply by using a tablet.  Ultimately, clients want to feel valued and want to make their lives easier.  By taking the tedious task of browsing away from them and placing an emphasis on a quality presentation using technology that clients are used to, you successfully merge the online and offline shopping experience.  Lastly, the ability to complete the sale on a mobile device from anywhere can add that final touch of comfort right before signing with their finger and receiving their invoice via email.

Data Implementation and Attribution

The driving force behind rapid technological advances is data analytics.  Tech giants, Google and Amazon, invest a large percentage of their resources on the collection, storage and analyzation of data to be more in touch with their market.  Google search "best juicer" and all of a sudden your internet browser is filled with advertisements for juicers and coupons from Sur La Table.  Data analytics is playing an increasingly significant role in all industries, even sports!  For the decorative plumbing and hardware industry it should be no different.  Collecting and analyzing data relevant to your showroom's success is critical for growth.  Some examples are:

  • Percent quotes > invoice ratios
  • Seasonal sales 
  • Style and category 
  • Manufacturer specific
  • Finishes 
  • Hot trends vs. timeless products
  • Service callbacks and returns
  • Best marketing channels that influence purchases
Measuring attribution can be difficult when making sure your investment in resources produces a greater return.  Taking data analyzation a step further might be sharing those results with manufacturers and representatives to create better synergy for new products that are being released.

Exceptional Customer Service will Never be Obsolete

While enhancing the consumer experience in your business, you can never sacrifice the value of exceptional customer service.  Successfully integrating technology in connecting with your clients and improving data analytics should be built on the foundation of your company's values.  An optimal in-store experience can be reinforced with the heightening of all five senses and making sure the customer walks away with something tangible.  A smooth blending of traditional values with modern technology will speak volumes about your business. 

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