Wednesday, February 20, 2019

How to Successfully Install a Wall Mount Vanity, by Phil Hotarek (Lutz Bath & Kitchen), an Education Committee Member

So you decided to purchase a wall mount vanity, or at the least are seriously considering it. What is not to like? It is hygienic, aesthetically clean, minimal, and functional. It instantly turns your bathroom into a modern, functional space that you fall in love with. There are several critical variables in preparation of the installation process that are a must before proceeding.

1) You Need to Hire a Professional 
- Quite possibly, the most cringe-worthy mistake is spending thousands of dollars on a luxury product and then cutting corners on the labor. Decorative plumbing products, which include wall mount vanities, have a very thorough design and are produced with every last detail inspected throughout the process. How do we know? We have visited many of these factories and have watched first hand the manufacturing process from concept to completion. The bottom line is, you want an installer who matches the thoroughness and detail of the manufacturer. Hiring a common handyman or someone completely unfamiliar or inexperienced with these decorative products will end up costing you way more money down the line.

2) Play it Safe, Install Backing - Before hanging anything on the wall, make sure you have proper backing in the wall. What is backing? A solid 2 x 4 wood frame that is installed to bear the weight of the wall mount vanity. Do not hang the vanity on sheet rock and anchors. You could run into a serious safety issue. (See the picture accompanying the article, which shows a solid wood backing installed above the plumbing to bear the weight of the wall mount vanity.)

3) Cross Reference the Location of the Plumbing - When you purchase a wall mount vanity, it will come with a specification sheet and installation instructions. These documents clearly indicate the location of the plumbing required for a proper installation. The drain location and the water connections are critical because the drawers have to fit and function in the space. If improperly installed, you may have a drawer that sticks out (cannot close all the way) or the vanity itself won't be able to be hung due to an obstruction.

4) Purchase the Correct Drain - You may not think that the type of trap you purchase is important, but it really is. There are several different designs of traps and depending on the design of your vanity, you may not have much flexibility in which trap you use. What is a trap? It is the tubular drain line assembly that connects your sink to the drain itself. Some may require a Bottle Trap, while others may require a Space Saving Siphon.

5) Inspect the Vanity and Product Before Installing - Before installing the vanity and any other product, be sure to thoroughly inspect the vanity for damage during shipping or that the right product was shipped. Although we like to think that everything arrives in perfect condition, unfortunately mistakes happen. When they do, the product can and will be replaced at no cost to you. However, these issues must be taken care of before installing the vanity. Why? Installing the product may void replacement under warranty for liability purposes. Be thorough, inspect the product before having it installed for peace of mind and the prevention of any unwanted costs down the line.

1 comment:

  1. Phil's experience and suggestions will make these that follow these tips have a much smoother installation experience.
