Friday, January 6, 2017

Keys to Keeping Your New Year's Resolutions

It's that time of year again when many of us decide the New Year is the perfect time to lose some weight, get in better shape, read more or improve our health and well-being. Unfortunately, most New Year's resolutions are not kept even though they are heartfelt and determined. We don't accomplish our goals for a number of reasons and many of them are perfectly explainable. One key to making sure you follow through on your change commitment is to start with a realistic goal. If you want to lose weight, don't set your goal at 20 or 30 pounds. That may be difficult (your Executive Director can attest to that). Instead, commit to losing two pounds in January and two pounds in February, another two in March and two pounds every month thereafter until the goal is achieved. (Tip: Want to lose weight; use smaller plates when you dine.)

A second key is to define what you are going to do. For example, if you decide to get into better shape, consider exactly how you are going to do so.  Commit to walking a mile every day or going to the gym three days a week. And get even more specific - if you are going to visit a gym, perhaps decide to spend 20 minutes on the treadmill the first day, on the second day spend 20 minutes on the rowing machine and lift weights on the third day. The more specifics you can attach to your resolution, the better the odds that you will achieve your goal.

Famed behavioral economist Dan Airly points out that most Americans say one thing but do another. Changing your behavior is hard work. In order to be successful, you need to have the right mindset and this most certainly applies to one's work environment as well. It's difficult to improve your showroom's performance if your mind is distracted by having to care for an ailing family member.

Time management is another key to resolution victories. If you commit to going to the gym but feel the pressure from the showroom consuming all of your time, then the gym most likely will be put on the back burner. Get yourself into a routine where the time you allot to achieve your goal is sacrosanct.

With the year less than a week old, develop an action plan to achieve your personal and professional goals. Don't dwell on past shortcomings. Be positive and focused and prove that you truly can achieve the changes that will make your life that much better. Best of luck and welcome to 2017!

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