Friday, March 17, 2017

Improve Your Productivity

Want to get more done in less time? Who doesn't. Start with eliminating distractions that eat into productive time.
  1. Don't look at your email in the morning until you have completed one task on your to-do list.
  2. Create a "to-don't" list. Things that you should not do during the day because they are either unproductive or a waste of your time.
  3. Block your news feeds or other RRS feeds from interrupting your work day. Look at those at night or during non-showroom hours.
  4. Give your phone a workday vacation or allocate a specific time of day that you will look at your phone and respond to emails and text messages. How many of your team members bring their phones to staff meetings and check messages when their attention should be focused on the meeting content? When you stop compulsively checking your phone for messages, you can focus your attention on serving your clients and improving your business.

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