Saturday, June 1, 2019

How to Improve Your Persuasion Skills

There are five keys to becoming more persuasive and able to convince others to do what you want them to do. The first key is determining whether or not the person has the skill set necessary to perform to your expectations. If you get frustrated when team members won’t do things your way, is it because they are simply stubborn or do they lack confidence? You will never convince someone who is deathly afraid of public speaking to deliver a keynote address. You can’t motivate someone to see the light if their bulb does not turn on.

A second key is to consider the benefit for the individual you want to persuade. If they do "X" for you, what will they receive in return? Make sure that the individuals you want to influence know the benefits they will receive from doing what you ask.
The third key is to determine if the individual you want to influence actually believes the benefits you promise. If you tell a builder that if they buy brand X, everything will be available in two weeks, will your builder believe you? It’s one thing to promise benefits, but it’s another to ensure that the person truly believes that what you are promising will be delivered. 
The fourth key is whether or not you can you make it easier and/or less costly to do what you want someone else to perform. Determine how you can provide an easy button. 
The fifth step is to lower the perceived risk. Look through the lens of the person you are trying to influence or persuade. What do they believe are the risks? Are those beliefs realistic? What can you say or do to minimize them? When you eliminate obstacles, it makes it easier to get to "yes".

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