Friday, July 26, 2019

Dealing With People Who Are Right 100% of the Time

You know the type. They are always right regardless of the issue, problem or solution. Dealing with these people can be especially frustrating in client situations. If your client wants to believe they know more about bath design than you do, it is only natural to scratch your head and ask yourself, "Why did they hire us?" A better approach though is to lend legitimacy to their opinions. "I can see where you are coming from. Have you considered x, y or z? What downsides, if any, have you considered with your approach?" This response tends to neutralize what otherwise could prove to be an intractable conversation.
Recognize that it is difficult for most people to overcome confirmation bias. Confirmation bias is the tendency to interpret information in a way that confirms someone's preconceptions even if there might be overwhelming evidence to the contrary. In other words, people want to believe what they want to believe regardless of what the facts say or what the evidence points to. 
The best way to deal with confirmation bias is to recognize it for what it is. Everyone's truth is their truth. That's why listening actively to what others are saying is critical. Active listening creates a comfort level that enables people to consider alternatives. Even if you believe that the other point of view is wrong, crazy or worse, never let them know that's how you feel. You may never be able to convince someone that their opinions or ideas are not accurate, but you can minimize the impact by not overreacting, acknowledging what others believe and then presenting possible alternatives to provide a common ground.

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