Friday, March 9, 2018

Let's Get Organized, by Darryl Jones of QuickDrain USA (an Education Committee Member)

Organization is key when preparing to meet with a showroom client for the first time. A planning template is essential for maximizing your time and your clients. When a client visits a showroom for the first time, it could be overwhelming. A template will guide your customer and keep them focused on the task in-hand. A good template should be broken out by room and have the specifics already listed, and Excel rows are easy to delete and insert. It helps to have the main products listed first and then the coordinated accessories. Include anything and everything that may or may be purchased by the customer in that room. Be methodical about including every single product that can be used in that room. A little work upfront will speed your client thru the selection process. I've included a template to help you get started, however feel free to make changes in order to make it your own. And be aware that this template will only be available for a short time. Click here to download the template, and what now follows are some tips and tricks.
Code Box is used for Discounts: 
Percentage of discount given of list price can be found on the Codes and Calculator Tab under discount codes. Example: Entering 1 into the Code box will give 10% off of list Price.
1 = 10% off   3 = 15% off   5 = 20% off  7 = 25% off   9 = 30% off   11 = 35% off

Tax Code Box defaults to Colorado tax code, however it can be changed for your State, City tax structure. I will show you where the changes can be made in the formula. This is where it gets geeky. Get some help if you don't know what the local tax codes are. Just change the highlighted percentages to your local tax codes after the * if you need to delete a string of the formula, just remember to delete up to the ")" which is used for the closing of a formula.
I've also included the following Calculators and Charts.
  • Gross Profit Margin Chart
  • Sale Price Calculator Driven by gross profit margin
  • Gross Profit Calculator
Why use Excel? Excel allows you to use hide cells, lock cells and create formulas. Once you understand how it works, you can use this program to streamline the decision-making process. Remember, make it your own and invest the time to get it exactly how you want it. Don't leave any money on the table.

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