Thursday, April 4, 2019

The Key to Making Positive First Impressions

How do you make a great first impression? You need to project warmth first and then competence, and be perceived as having both writes Harvard Business School professor Amy Cuddy in her new book Presence. Most people erroneously believe that competence is more important than warmth. Let’s face it, when a prospective customer walks into your showroom, they want to feel confident that you have the skill to design their dream bath, kitchen or hardware project. However, Cuddy claims that warmth or trustworthiness is the most important factor in creating a positive first impression. If a prospect does not trust you, there is no chance you will win their contract regardless of how talented you might be. 

Tips Establish Trust and Rapport with New Clients

1.    When you first interact with a new prospective client make sure your brief introduction conveys your passion for designing and creating the bath of your customer’s dreams. People who make the effort to visit your showroom come there to be inspired. They are there because, despite all of their individual research, they really do not know what is possible or what they want.

2.    Become your client’s biggest fan. If they trusted you enough to visit your showroom or agree to let you rip apart their home and inconvenience them for weeks or even months, make sure that you are their biggest advocate for improving the quality of their home and their lives. Even if they don’t agree to all of your suggestions, make sure they know that you are there for them unconditionally.

3.    Don’t ever judge a suggestion or idea as negative. Be as positive as possible at all times, especially when the unexpected occurs.

4.    Be empathetic and demonstrate that you understand and appreciate your client’s experience. 

5.    Be humble. Let clients know you understand all of the challenges and potential pitfalls of a renovation or a newly built home. 

6.    Always be present. Your clients will know if they don’t have your undivided attention.

7.    Honor your commitments. It is essential to earning someone’s trust to do what you say you are going to do, the timetable you commit to and at a cost you agreed to.

8.    Own problems. Every project encounters the unexpected. Don’t delegate problem solving to manufacturers or representatives. Your client did not purchase their new bath fixtures from a manufacturer - they purchased from you, and they will depend on you to make things right when things to wrong.

9.    Establish realistic expectations.

10. Over deliver. Many of your competitors have skill sets limited to taking orders. Go the extra mile by sending frequent, if not daily, video and written progress updates, work with suppliers to provide extras and options within the clients’ budget and ask to feature their project in your marketing materials, web site, etc., to demonstrate that you are proud of your effort on their behalf. Over delivering requires making your client feel that they are the center of your universe.

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