Thursday, May 23, 2019

What Drives Customers to Love Your Brand

Experiences matter because people value experiences more than they do products, concluded a survey of 5,000 consumers around the world conducted by Momentum (an experiential marketing agency). What consumers expect from experiences is changing from their expectations only five years ago. Consumers in 2014 wanted brands to deliver experiences that provided them with something useful, that made their lives easier and delivered a healthy dose of happiness. Today, those experiential requirements remain, but consumer priorities are changing, according to the latest Momentum survey.
Consumers today desire experiences that provide connection. The need for connection stems from societal trends that result from the lack of transparencies in institutions. Trust is fleeting, caused by events such as Facebook’s privacy challenges, dysfunctional government and a rise in hate, which all contribute to a feeling of disconnection. As a result, people retreat to their self-made Twitter bubbles that are responsible for the rapid rise in loneliness. 83 percent of people believe that brands should eliminate stress and anxiety. Today’s consumer wants to be connected. They want experiences that enhance their lives. They want brands to deliver experiences that are inspirational. 
The opportunities for decorative plumbing and hardware showrooms include:

  • Inspiring customers in an age of distrust.
  • Connecting customers in a world of division.
  • Helping customers to find meaning or purpose.
If 83 percent of all consumers want brands to eliminate stress and anxiety, what better way to capitalize on the demand than to tout the health and wellness benefits of creating an in-home spa? Showrooms can inspire customers by giving back to the community or holding charitable events around world toilet day (November 19 as designated by the United Nations) to provide toilets and improve sanitation to the 2.4 billion people that currently live without access to a water closet. You can inspire your customers by partnering with a design school and holding a competition to create new vignettes in your showroom. You can connect customers by offering design and renovation seminars. You can help your customers find meaning or purpose through joint community outreach. The sky is the limit. Brainstorm with your team to better connect with your customers and your community. Share your thoughts and connect with your DPHA community on our Facebook page and our LinkedIn Group.

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