Friday, May 17, 2019

Your Competitive Advantage: Curation

Robb Best related at a recent DPHA Conference that the human brain is only capable of choosing between two options. If you present too many options, customers’ brains will shut down and refuse to make a decision. That’s why 30 percent of all people who come to the showroom will walk out, because they have been given too much information. That’s why, Robb claims, a wall of faucets is one of the worst ways to display products, because a faucet wall causes sensory overload. 
Sensory overload is a compelling reason for a customer to buy from a brick-and-mortar showroom versus purchasing on the Internet. If you searched for a farmhouse sink on, you would have more than 77,000 choices. How can anyone confidently make a decision when there are more than 77,000 options? And therein lies a brick-and-mortar showroom’s competitive advantage. Curation is a competitive advantage not available online. Showroom sales professionals and showrooms can appeal to a customer’s five senses and have the opportunity to determine the best option (not the least expensive) for each client. 
Every time a customer crosses a showroom’s threshold, they do so for a reason. They have made an effort to leave the comfort of their phone, computer or home to seek guidance from a professional who should know more than they do. Steve Jobs famously said, “A lot of times people don’t know what they want, until you show it to them.” That’s a primary reason why customers come to a showroom - so you can show them what they want. 
The same logic applies to the designers and the trades. Imagine the impact you can have by curating the best option for a new project that makes the designer look like a superstar and saves them time. What are you doing to promote your curation advantage?

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