Monday, February 5, 2018

Motivating Your Team

Finding and retaining top talent remains one of the greatest challenges in the decorative plumbing and hardware industry.  DPHA members may be able to greatly increase their recruitment and retention rates by framing the services they provide to clients in a different light.  While said in jest, many DPHA members describe their job description as "selling toilets" or in the words of DPHA's first president Jeff Burton, "after-dinner chinaware".  While that description may draw a laugh, it does a disservice to the valuable role that our members play for their clients.  DPHA members improve the quality of their clients' lives.  They make a positive difference, creating havens in the home where individuals can wash away the stresses of the day.  DPHA members provide daily moments when their clients' take time just for themselves, devoid of interruptions from other family members, a text or a tweet. 
Reframing the context and importance of the products, services and experiences that decorative plumbing and hardware showrooms provide is more than just a shift in nomenclature.  Today's workforce, especially Millennials, want to know that what they do has a purpose, meaning and the potential to make a difference.  Providing and delivering on meaningful work translates to healthier, more productive, engaged and professionally fulfilled and productive team members.